On 16th of August, we had our meeting about the “YOU CAN GIVE A HOPE TO THE ORANG UTAN” competition for the first time. This meeting was held because we need to choose our campaign committee members. Our advisors, En.Arjan Singh and En.Miswan had agreed to choose Choo Weng Loon as our campaign chairman, Syazlan Haqim as our editor, Muhd Alif as our treasurer and Nor Amin as our mediator.
At the meeting, we also had discussed about the plans and activities that will be held during the course of the campaign. After we had reached a consensus, we agreed on the activities that have been purposed and we also had choose appropriate date to start our activities. Finally, we also prepared the paper work needed for this campaign.
We had created a poster for this campaign. Besides that, we also had copied it and distributing the poster to all of the teachers and classes in our school. We also had pasted the poster in every part of our school.
On 20thAugust, the opening of the campaign was held in our school. At the opening ceremony, our chairman, Choo Weng Loon has acted as chairman of the ceremony. At the event, our school principal, Tuan Haji Ishak Bin Sulaiman also spoke about the campaign.
After the completion of his speech, our campaign advisor En.Arjan and Senior Assistance Of Co-curricular, Pn.Hashima bt Hassan accompanied him for the opening of the campaign.
After completion of the inauguration, our Principals, Senior Assistant Student Affairs, Senior Assistance of Co-curricular and senior teachers had signed the banner "SIGN 4 SAVING THE ORANG UTAN" for agreeing to preserve the orangutan from extinction. After the signing, the ceremony had came to the end.
After the completion of his speech, our campaign advisor En.Arjan and Senior Assistance Of Co-curricular, Pn.Hashima bt Hassan accompanied him for the opening of the campaign.
This fund raising activities was aim to increase World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) funds for the purpose of the conservation activities of wild animals. We had a very good cooperation and many of the citizens of our school had been donated and we managed to get a contribution of RM210.00.
We have managed to get our very own bulletin board. The bulletin board is intended for the students to provide information about the campaign, the course of this campaign as well as the information about the species of orangutans. Our bulletin board is located in a strategic area so that students can easily obtain the latest information about our campaign.
This activity was held to gain the support of all the citizens of Sekolah Menengah Teknik Ipoh. In these activities, we managed to get the signatures all of the teachers and students in our school.
They had given their cooperation well and they are very eager to help us to preserve orangutan from extinction.
They had given their cooperation well and they are very eager to help us to preserve orangutan from extinction.
Quiz competition was held on 21st September. The competition is held to test student’s knowledge about these animals.
A total of 21 students participated in this competition and we were able to choose a total of three winners of the competition.
Top 3 Winners:
A total of 21 students participated in this competition and we were able to choose a total of three winners of the competition.
Top 3 Winners:
-Muhd Hijran B. Ahmad Idrus
-Megat Muhd Najid B. Megat Abu Samad
-Mohd Nasrullah B. Mohd Azhar
The contest's participants are given a certificate of participation while the top three place winners received a prize at the closing ceremony of this campaign.
We had held a poster contest which aims to assess the skills and talent among our students. The posters that have been selected as the winners are included in our blog for public viewing. All of the participants will be given a participating certificate and prizes at the campaign closing ceremony.
The winner: Muhamad Firdaus Bin Zakaria
An essay writing competition was held and the winner of this essay writing competition will be given prizes at the closing ceremony of this campaign. The participants were given a topic on "How To Save Orangutan" and each participant will be given a period of 3 weeks to complete their essays. The competition is held to highlight the hidden talents on their writing so that they can add confidence to compose. Participants who finished top-3 will receive certificates and prizes at the closing ceremony of the campaign at their work will be exhibited in our blog and in our school magazine.
An explorace competition was held on 25 September. This competition has got overwhelming response and about 24 groups (5 of a group) has participated in this competition. The purpose of this competition was to test the stamina of participants and their knowledge about the orangutan. In addition, the cooperation of every member of the group were tested in this the competition.
Each participant will receive a certificate of participation and the group that had won the top-3 will receive prizes at the end of the closing ceremony of this campaign.
BRIEFING AND VIDEO PRESENTATION On September 23 , we had a briefing and video activities in the school hall. This activity starts at 3.30 pm. all dormitory students must attend these activities. At the begining, our editor, Syazlan gave a briefing about the facts about the orangutans to all students.
After that, our mediator,Amin began to start the orang-utan video presentation. Additionally, we also make a slide show using Windows Live Movie Maker. The image and videos that we include into the slide show has been downloaded from the internet picture and also on www.youtube.com
After that, our mediator,Amin began to start the orang-utan video presentation. Additionally, we also make a slide show using Windows Live Movie Maker. The image and videos that we include into the slide show has been downloaded from the internet picture and also on www.youtube.com
We have selected some of the teachers and students to be interviewed. The questions that were submitted were related to these activities as well as the orang utan conservation. We appreciate their cooperation to jointly ensure the success of this activity.
This banana tree-planting activity was to show support of the cessation of further habitat destruction to forest and to conserve it as one of the treasures that are important to us. This activity was attended by the our principal, Tn.Haji Ishak Sulaiman, Senior Co-curricular teacher, Mrs. Hashimah bt. Hassan, campaign advisor and all of the committee members throughout this campaign. The banana trees have been planted by the principals himself. We appreciate their support in making this activity as a one of our most successful activities yet.
We have been promoting through our blog poster that we distributed to all members of our school. In addition, we also use media as a platform for us to promote our blog. For examples,the social network (facebook, friendster & myspace), and e-mail. We also ask our family and friends to invite their friends to enroll them into our blog.
We have created a video that is related to the conservation of orangutans and the passage of this campaign. We use the Windows Live Movie Maker software and the result is very encouraging. Video was added to our blog and on our youtube page for public viewing. Our account in youtube is called newera4orangutan
We had taken some videos from mass media such as youtube and metacafe about the world of orangutans and their challenges to stay alive in this world. The video serve as a guideline for us to create video as well as for our planning activities for this campaign.
We went to the public places such as Polo Recreational Park in Ipoh and Taman Chempaka in Ipoh and there, we had distribute our leaflets that we had produce.
The brochure contains information about the orangutan and the means to save them from extinction. We managed to distribute a total of 150 brochures to the public. We appreciate their cooperation and enthusiasm to conserve the orangutans from endangered.
At Sultan Azlan Shah Recreation Park or more known as Padang Polo
We distribute the pamphlets at Taman Cempaka
We also distribute it at shop nearby
We are also looking for information related to the orang-utans at the internet and newspapers.
Hanya tiga kawasan habitat Orang Utan di Sarawak
SIBU: Orang Utan hanya boleh ditemui di tiga kawasan hutan di Sarawak dan bukan di seluruh negeri ini, kata Setiausaha Tetap Kementerian Alam Sekitar dan Kesihatan Awam Sarawak, Dr Penguang Manggil. Beliau berkata, banyak pihak khususnya warga Barat, tersalah tanggapan bahawa haiwan itu boleh ditemui di semua kawasan hutan di Sarawak.
"Di Sarawak, Orang Utan hanya boleh ditemui di Santuari Hidupan Liar Lantjak Entimau, Taman Negara Batang Ai dan Taman Negara Sebuyau," katanya pada sidang akhbar selepas majlis Earth Hour di sini malam tadi.
Dr Penguang berkata, salah tanggapan itu menyebabkan warga Barat membuat andaian bahawa projek pembangunan ekonomi dan pembukaan ladang hutan serta kelapa sawit memberi kesan buruk terhadap kehidupan haiwan di negeri ini.
"Laporan bahawa kehidupan haiwan terjejas teruk akibatnya adalah suatu perkara yang sengaja dibesar-besarkan," katanya.
Dr Penguang berkata, kerajaan meletakkan haiwan berkenaan dalam senarai "Haiwan Yang Dilindungi Sepenuhnya" dan di bawah undang-undang yang ditetapkan, mereka yang memburunya boleh didenda hingga RM30,000 dan dihukum dua tahun penjara.
Beliau berkata, dianggarkan 2,500 hingga 3,000 Orang Utan kini mendiami tiga habitat berkenaan.
Mengulas kebimbangan pihak tertentu mengenai kemungkinan pembinaan empangan akan merosakkan alam sekitar, beliau berkata kerajaan Sarawak sentiasa mematuhi prosedur dan standard antarabangsa.
"Sebelum sesebuah empangan dibina, kami perlu buat SEIA (Penilaian Kesan Terhadap Sosial dan Alam Sekitar) bagi menimbang semua risiko yang bakal dihadapi.
"Saya berpendapat kerajaan sentiasa prihatin dan tidak pernah membelakangkan prosedur. Kami sentiasa mematuhi prosedur yang ditetapkan," katanya. - Bernama
"Laporan bahawa kehidupan haiwan terjejas teruk akibatnya adalah suatu perkara yang sengaja dibesar-besarkan," katanya.
Dr Penguang berkata, kerajaan meletakkan haiwan berkenaan dalam senarai "Haiwan Yang Dilindungi Sepenuhnya" dan di bawah undang-undang yang ditetapkan, mereka yang memburunya boleh didenda hingga RM30,000 dan dihukum dua tahun penjara.
Beliau berkata, dianggarkan 2,500 hingga 3,000 Orang Utan kini mendiami tiga habitat berkenaan.
Mengulas kebimbangan pihak tertentu mengenai kemungkinan pembinaan empangan akan merosakkan alam sekitar, beliau berkata kerajaan Sarawak sentiasa mematuhi prosedur dan standard antarabangsa.
"Sebelum sesebuah empangan dibina, kami perlu buat SEIA (Penilaian Kesan Terhadap Sosial dan Alam Sekitar) bagi menimbang semua risiko yang bakal dihadapi.
"Saya berpendapat kerajaan sentiasa prihatin dan tidak pernah membelakangkan prosedur. Kami sentiasa mematuhi prosedur yang ditetapkan," katanya. - Bernama
INFORMATION FROM: http://www.bharian.com.my/bharian/articles/HanyatigakawasanhabitatOrangUtandiSarawak/Article/
ARKIB : 17/08/2010
Kempen beri kesedaran generasi muda
KUCHING 16 Ogos - Pelancaran Kempen Derma Orang Utan Untuk Sekolah-Sekolah di negeri ini yang dianjurkan Sarawak Forestry Corporation adalah bertujuan untuk menanamkan kesedaran di kalangan generasi muda terhadap konservasi hidupan liar.Menteri Perancangan dan Pengurusan Sumber Kedua Sarawak, Datuk Seri Awang Tengah Ali Hassan berkata, pelajar sekolah adalah generasi paling sesuai untuk disemai dengan sifat yang sihat serta terdidik dalam usaha membangunkan individu yang prihatin serta bertanggungjawab.
"Saya melihat acara ini lebih kepada kempen kesedaran dan berkongsi benih konservasi hidupan liar di kalangan pelajar sekolah atau generasi muda berbanding nak memungut sumbangan daripada mereka.
"Lebih penting lagi ialah tahap kesedaran yang diterapkan di kalangan generasi muda tentang konservasi hidupan liar," katanya ketika berucap pada majlis Pelancaran Kempen Derma Orang Utan Untuk Sekolah-sekolah di Sarawak di Pusat Hidupan Liar Semenggoh di sini, hari ini.
Teks ucapan beliau dibacakan Menteri Muda Perancangan dan Pengurusan Sumber Sarawak, Mohd. Naroden Majais.
Hadir sama, Timbalan Setiausaha Tetap Kementerian Perancangan dan Pengurusan Sumber merangkap Pengarah Hutan dan Kontroler Hidupan Liar, Len Talif Salleh.
Dalam pada itu, Awang Tengah berkata, Sarawak mempunyai sejarah yang lama dalam usaha perlindungan dan konservasi alam sekitar di negeri ini.
Katanya, negeri ini telah mengguna pakai keseluruhan falsafah dengan memberi keutamaan dalam melindungi persekitaran asli dan menggabungkan elemen-elemen pelindungan serta konservasi alam sekitar dalam kebanyakan pelan, polisi, undang-undang dan peraturan.
Tambahnya, kerajaan negeri juga sedang bekerjasama dengan pertubuhan-pertubuhan antarabangsa seperti Pertubuhan Kayu Tropika Antarabangsa (ITTO) dalam konservasi asli di lapangan termasuk pemulihan biodiversiti dan pengurusan lestari sumber genetik untuk pembangunan perhutanan dan masyarakat.
"Justeru, saya menyeru orang ramai untuk mewujudkan hubungan sinergi yang tertumpu kepada usaha dan tindakan bersepadu ke arah bangsa yang lebih baik serta bertanggungjawab tentang dunia di sekeliling mereka, alam sekitar dan persekitaran," ujarnya.
ARKIB : 11/08/2010
Sultan Perak rasmi Yayasan Pulau Orang Utan Bukit Merah
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Sultan Azlan Shah bersama Tuanku Bainun melihat ragam dua ekor orang utan di Bukit Merah Laketown Resort, kelmarin. |
BAGAN SERAI 10 Ogos - Sultan Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah semalam berkenan merasmikan Yayasan Pulau Orang Utan Bukit Merah (BMOUIF) di Bukit Merah Laketown Resort di sini.
Keberangkatan baginda turut diiringi Raja Permaisuri Perak, Tuanku Bainun serta kerabat diraja yang lain.
Pulau Orang Utan Bukit Merah merupakan satu-satunya pusat pemuliharaan dan penyelidikan orang utan 'ex-situ' di dunia.
Dalam lawatan tersebut, rombongan diraja diberi taklimat dan penerangan pembangunan serta operasi Pulau Orang Utan oleh Pengurus Kanan Perkhidmatan Veterinar, Dr. D. Sabapathy.
Antara lain, taklimat tersebut menyentuh peranan BMOUIF menyelamatkan populasi haiwan itu yang semakin terancam.
Baginda berdua dan rombongan turut melihat sendiri pendekatan yang digunakan bagi memastikan kelangsungan habitat orang utan.
Hadir sama Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Infrastruktur, Kemudahan Awam, Tenaga dan Air negeri, Datuk Ramly Zahari. Pengerusi Lembaga Pemegang Amanah BMOUIF, Tan Sri Mustapha Kamal Abu Bakar dan Prof. Emeritus Datuk Dr. Abd. Latiff Mohammad serta ahli-ahli lembaga pemegang amanah yang lain.
Dalam ucapannya, Mustapha Kamal berkata, objektif yayasan adalah menjalankan dan menyediakan perkhidmatan veterinar khusus bagi anak-anak orang utan akibat penjagaan ibu yang tidak sempurna selain melakukan kerja-kerja penyelidikan serta perubatan veterinar.
''BMOUIF akan terus menjalankan program pembiakan dalam mengekalkan populasi orang utan melalui program 'ex-situ' yang dijalankan selari dengan dasar kerajaan dalam pemuliharaan spesies hidupan liar yang terancam.
''Apa yang diharapkan agar usaha murni yang dijalankan ini dapat menggalakkan penyertaan umum," katanya.
Selain kemudahan untuk pembiakan dan pemuliharaan orang utan, Pulau Orang Utan turut dilengkapi dengan pusat sumber, bilik teater serta terowong sepanjang 100 meter yang dikhaskan kepada pengunjung dan penyelidik yang ingin melihat secara dekat aktiviti haiwan tersebut.
Bridging the orang utan gap
KOTA KINABALU: A new orang utan rope bridge has been created in the Lower Kinabatangan wildlife sanctuary to allow the primates living within the fragmented forests to reconnect with each other.
The 40m-long rope bridge, made of fire hoses, was set up across Sungai Takala, a tributary of Sungai Kinabatangan in another effort by local and international conservationists to ensure that orang utans in trapped fragmented forests do not become extinct.
The teams involved took three days to complete the project.
The project, which was undertaken by the Sabah Wildlife Department, the HUTAN non-governmental organisation and Danau Girang Field Centre (DGFC), was funded by Borneo Conservation Trust Japan and expertise was provide by Ropeskills Rigging Sdn Bhd.
“Genetic studies, which were carried out in the Lower Kinabatangan forest fragments, showed that orang utans are estimated to go extinct within our lifetime if they are not reconnected through schemes like the rope bridges,” Sabah Wildlife department director Dr Laurentius Ambu said.
DGFC director Dr Benoit Goosens said the rope bridges were important in efforts to stop in-breeding among orang utans within the fragmented forests.
The project was initiated by the Kinabatangan Orang Utan Conservation Project seven years ago,
“If we do not set up a corridor, substantial levels of inbreeding will occur, and this will lead to their extinction in the most isolated fragments of the wildlife sanctuary,” he added.
Goosens said similar bridges will be set up at tributaries in the vicinity of DGFC following a survey carried out by HUTAN last year which identified sites suitable for bridge construction to alleviate the issues of orang utan population fragmentation.
Ropeskills Rigging Sdn Bhd operations director Simon Amos supervised the construction of the rope bridge.
He added rigging and tree climbing were essential skills needed to establish the bridge and the camera trap, which will eventually capture evidence that orang utans are actually using the bridge
Published: Sunday October 17, 2010 MYT 1:02:00 PM
Rope bridge for orang utan to reconnect
KOTA KINABALU: A new orang utan rope bridge has been created in the Lower Kinabatangan wildlife sanctuary to allow primates living within the fragmented forests to reconnect with each other.
The 40m-long rope bridge, made of fire hoses, was set up across Sungai Takala, a tributary of Sungai Kinabatangan in another effort by local and international conservationists to ensure that orang utans trapped in fragmented forests do not go extinct.
The teams involved took three days to complete the project.
The project, by the Sabah Wildlife Department, the HUTAN non-governmental organisation and Danau Girang Field Centre (DGFC) was funded by Borneo Conservation Trust (BCT) Japan and expertise from Ropeskills Rigging Sdn Bhd.
“Genetic studies, which were carried out in the Lower Kinabatangan forest fragments, showed that orang utans would be extinct within our lifetime if they are not reconnected through schemes like the rope bridges,” Sabah Wildlife Department director Dr Laurentius Ambu said.
DGFC director Dr Benoit Goosens said the rope bridges were important in efforts to stop in-breeding among orang utans within the fragmented forests.
The project was initiated by the Kinabatangan Orang utan Conservation Project seven years ago.
Goosens said similar bridges will be set up at tributaries in the vicinity of DGFC following a survey carried out by HUTAN last year which identified sites suitable for bridge construction to alleviate the issues of orang utan population fragmentation.
Ropeskills Rigging Sdn Bhd operations director Simon Amos who supervised the construction of the rope bridge.
Wednesday September 29, 2010
Island bliss for orang utan

THE Bukit Merah Orang Utan Island Foundation will release a pair of orang utan onto an uninhabited island in Bukit Merah Laketown Resort, near Taiping, as part of a programme to reintroduce the primates to the wild.
Its board of trustees chairman Tan Sri Mustapha Kamal Abu Bakar said the foundation was awaiting recommendations from a panel of experts on what to do and how best to go about the next phase in its conservation programme.
The BJ Island, on which the pair of orang utan will be released, will serve as a transition point before their actual release into the wild, he said.
The island is separate from the resort’s Orang Utan Island on which conservation efforts have been ongoing over the last decade.
Mustapha Kamal, who is also MK Land Holdings Berhad executive chairman, noted that the release of the pair would take place in about five months.
“It is time to release two of our sub-adults to BJ Island where there will be minimal intervention.
“They will be kept there for five years during which their behaviour and adaptation to the wild will be studied and recorded. After five years and until there are two generations, we will release them into the wild if we can,” he told reporters after receiving deputy Tourism Minister Datuk Dr James Dawos Mamit at the resort on Monday.
The foundation’s conservation programme, which began in the year 2000 and cost up to RM5mil to date, has a total of 26 orang utan.
Out of the number, 16 infants — seven females and nine males — have been born on Orang Utan Island.
According to Mustapha Kamal, the outcome of the discussion between the foundation and the panel of advisers would be made known after it was completed.
“We want to turn this place into a centre of excellence in orang utan conservation,” he said, adding that University of Kyoto primate research institute assistant professor Misato Hayashi would be heading the study on the 5.6ha BJ Island.
In his speech when opening the discussion, Mamit recommended that the foundation place greater importance on the primates’ diet in order to cut down their 5% death rate.
On another matter, he said the Tourism Ministry was working on bringing a few orang utan to the Kanching Forest Reserve in Shah Alam and Ulu Gombak Forest Reserve in Kuala Lumpur as tourist attractions.
“Many tourists visiting the Klang Valley want to look at the primates but do not want to travel the distance to so.”