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During The Opening Campaigns of
 The Orangutan

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     naquidin,lujaini and amirul

The Collection of Donations To Be Given To The Conservation of Orangutans

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Orangutan Quiz Competition


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Such cute and intelligent creatures created by God, and now they face the threat of extinction due to human’s greediness and harshness upon Mother Nature. Yes. I am referring to the Orangutans. The orangutans are the only exclusively Asian living genus of great ape. They are among the most intelligent primates and use a variety of sophisticated tools, also making sleeping nests each night from branches and foliage. They are generally not aggressive and live a mostly solitary life foraging for food. They are the largest living arboreal animals with longer arms than other great apes. Their hair is typically reddish-brown, instead of the brown or black hair typical of other great apes.
Native to Indonesia and Malaysia, orangutans are currently found only in rainforest on the islands of Borneo and Sumatera, though fossils have been found in Java, the Thai-Malay Peninsular, Vietnam and China. There are only two surviving species, both of which are endangered: the Bornean Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) and the critically endangered Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelii). The subfamily Ponginae also includes the extinct genera Gigantopithecus and Sivapithecus. The word "orangutan" comes from the Malay words "orang" (man) and "(h) utan" (forest); hence, "man of the forest".
Orangutans live in only a few places. They are so dependent upon trees; they are particularly susceptible to logging. Unfortunately, deforestation and other human activities, such as hunting, have placed the orangutan in danger of extinction. It is estimated that about one third (1/3) of Borneo's orangutan populations were lost during the 1997/ 98 forest fires. On the Indonesian side of Borneo, populations of this subspecies are not faring well either. Although some populations live inside protected areas, illegal logging still takes place within these areas and hence remains a major threat to the survival of this species.
Why are we doing this to the poor creatures? We should be taking care of God’s creations, not threaten them with our reckless characteristics. So, it’s time to play our part in conserving the species of Orangutan. What should we do? As the saying goes “WHERE THERE IS WILL, THERE IS ALWAYS A WAY”. There is so much we can do to safe the Orangutan from extinction. A thousand mile journey begins with the first step! For a kickoff, we should first spread the awareness about orangutan and the danger they are facing.
Besides that, we can also adopt an orangutan from World Wildlife Fund and support WWF's work to protect Bornean orangutans. Adopting an orangutan by providing money for his care can actually decrease the extinction of this creature by 6.3%. It is not much but it’s a start. The Orangutan Foundation International, for example, offers individuals, families and schools the opportunity to assist in their conservation efforts by "adopting" an orphaned young orangutan. You'll often receive photos and news about the animal you choose to adopt.
Purchase recycled paper and products made from sustainable timber. Habitat destruction continues to put orangutans in danger. Because eco-labeling can be inconsistent, it's best to not to purchase any type of tropical hardwood to avoid supporting rainforest destruction. Take an eco-tour to see orangutans. Some organizations offer you the chance to visit and assist refuges. You can help do research on wild orangutans, assist with daily caretaking at the wildlife refuge or simply observe the animals. Creating an environment that makes orangutan survival profitable will help governments and businesses to take action. Buy only sustainable palm oil or products using sustainable palm oil. Conversion of habitats to palm oil plantations has happened across the great ape's habitat. Owners of the plantations clear-cut lowland rainforests, leaving no habitat. Many plantations consider orangutans wildlife pests and kill them when given the chance. Write or E-mail to retailers, traders, and manufacturers and ask them to use and support sustainable palm oil to help limit the conversion of orangutan habitat into palm oil plantations. Ask your parents to buy food that is palm oil free or only contains palm oil that is grown in a sustainable way.
We can also support zoos and other organizations that sponsor breeding and research programs. Visit the zoos, donate money to the programs and support community education initiatives. Captive breeding programs may help sustain the species and research can help experts come up with new conservation strategies. Hold a fundraiser with the donations going to orangutans. Donate the money to one of the conservation organizations and use the occasion to educate others about what they can do to help save endangered orangutans.
Other basic things that we can do to protect the species of orangutan is by tell our friends and family about orangutans and how important it is to help protect them, or ask your teacher to tell you more about orangutans in class.  Use recycled writing paper and toilet paper, and don't waste paper - it comes from trees! Ask your school to buy environmentally friendly paper and borrow books from the library instead of buying them, or make sure your books use paper made from sustainable sources. Many books are printed on paper that may come from trees cut down illegally in tropical rainforests. Ask your family not to buy things made of wood that comes from the rain forests where orangutans live such as mahogany, teak, rosewood and zebrawood.
So, start doing your part in protecting the unique creature, Orangutan, because every step we take can save thousand of this creature every second! Get up and start on your part right away, one day the orangutans will be thanking you for your efforts.

Love them. Protect them....



They are no one of the type of animals that is almost extinct. An interesting fact about them is that they share almost 97% of the same DNA as human. Indigenous people of Malaysia and Indonesia call them “Orang Hutan” literally translating into English as “People of the Forest”. There are four kinds of great apes: gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos and orang-utans. Only the orang-utan comes from Asia. The others all come from Africa.
                These large, gentle red apes are unique in the ape world. They are the only arboreal ape and they are actually the largest tree living mammal in the world. The rest of the apes do climb and build sleeping nest in the trees, but are primarily terrestrial. Even their hair colour, a bright reddish brown, is unique in the ape world.
                A crisis exist for these special creatures however. Never before has its existence been threatened so severely. Economic crisis combined with natural disasters and human abuse of the forest is pushing our closest cousins to extinction. The threats to the survival of the orang-utans are numerous and difficult to remedy. These include loss of habitat, illegal hunting, the notorious pet trade and poaching. An example of the loss of habitat is the fact that most of us may not realize, that is our orang-utans are sitting precariously close to the door of extinction due to ever accelerating destruction of the rainforest, which is their habitat.
                What’s sure is that the table can’t be turned around to reverse wrongdoings. But still, we can act now to save our orang-utans. The solution to preventing the extinction of orang-utans lies in combining all the approaches, with the focus on two important areas. Firstly, we need new legislation that prohibits the destruction of the habitat of protected species. The use of such forest might be allowed, but the user has the responsibility to ensure that population do not decline. If it does, the ecosystem will be affected and it will surely lead to bigger problems such as on faced by orang-utans that is extinction.
                Secondly, forest need to be managed so that threats can be abated. Such effective forest management requires real commitment, an investment from a range of stakeholders, and effective control, either by government or an independent organization. It doesn’t really seem to matter whether these stakeholders are from the local government, local communities, or the private sector. What matters is whether they care about conservation. And often, a focus on the success but we should never neglect them and only focus on the forest though. We ought to take good care of both of them. This way, it will bring much more success to us.
                There is a special way to help save the orang-utans which is adopting one. By doing this, we can learn more about orang-utans and at the same time offer our support to the organization’s conservation efforts. How do we support them by adopting an orang-utans? Well, most of the organizations of conservation centres rely fully on donations from those kind-hearted people. When we adopt them, we had to pay an amount of money and that money will be used to manage the orang-utans left at the conservation centre. If we can unite as a community, we will represent an enormous national and international force and millions of dollars of funding for orang-utans conservation.
                Other ways to help is by spreading the information about those unique creatures and their unfortunate fate. We can vary our methods of spreading the info such as using flyers and pamphlets. We can also raise funds to be given to the conservation centre. Even if we don’t have money to be donated, we can still use our creativity and a little of our time, and raise a bit of money to help orang-utans. Let’s be cognizant that a tiny effort can go a long way in creating a change.
                We must put aside our differences and recognize how we can effectively work together. If we speak with one strong, clear voice, we will influence government and enact sound policy, giving orang-utans a chance to survive. But if we don’t, our “People of the Forest” will be forever silenced. Preserve our trees, our forest and our rich ecological diversity. We need them and so do the orang-utans. You can make a difference, make a donation of RM100 or more to restore pockets of forest, giving new hope for the orang-utans.





                If you are still a person with humanity and if you still have a little box full of petals of love in your heart, you will never ever willing to see any of God’s creations went closer to extinction. As time moves, development started to conquer the world. There’s no more green jungles as they were long time ago. Right now, all you can see is only concrete jungles. Especially in the metropolitans. So what conclusion can we made here? Without learning Biology, everyone knew animals live in jungle. And without jungles, animals will lose their habitat. Therefore, animals will start to extinct when they lose everything. They can’t search for food when all the trees in the jungles has been cut down. They’ll not have a proper place to stay when their habitat in the jungles has all been destroyed. The most top critically endangered species because of this new full of development era is the Sumatran orang-utan.
                Sumatran orang-utan is one of the two species of orang-utan. It was found only on the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. It is rarer and smaller than the Bornean Orang Utan. Sumatran orang-utan is kind of animat that is frugivorous and sometimes, insectivorous. From this development take part, jungles is obviously lose its grip to the Mother Nature. We can rarely found the green jungles except the reserved forest in some states like it used to be long time ago. This is why from a survey done in 2004, it was estimated that around 7300 Sumatran orang-utan still live in the wild. Meaning, the more jungles is being cut down, the less orang-utans are in the wild. So what we can do to prevent the orang-utan from extinct? How we can save the orang-utan?
                For the first one, we can organise a campaign. School is a perfect place to start. Teachers should make an inisiative to cultivate compassion for the animals to the student. Interesting but not boring activities can be held such as posters drawing, mini theatrical shows, orang-utan’s statues made from plasticine or newspaper pulps and the final activity is a trip to the Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre. It will be such a nice and memorable moment for the student and everybody can make benefits from the activities held besides achieving the objective to make and effort to make other people save the orang-utans.
                Second, we can the orang-utans by using the media as a medium to convey messages and info about the orang-utans to the folk. The media workers, such as the television show producers and radio announcers, should start to produce a segment on how to conserve the endangered species. They can even start a topic on this and try to collect opinion from the listeners. For the newspapers publishing, they can help the organization such as World Wild Life (WWF) organization to distribute pamphlets or advertisement. People in the entertainment industry can also help to promote the campaign, encourage people to save the orang-utan and stop deforestation.
                The Orang-Utan Rehabilitation Centre can also play their vital role by organizing an adoption in the orang-utan campaign. This campaign is already held in the Orang-utan Outreach, New York. The campaign is actually an adopting while donating programme. How this 2 in 1 campaign is done? The Orangutan Outreach will choose about 1000 orang utans from various rehabilitation centre and these orang-utans will be advertised through their website. People from the whole wide world can adopt if they interested with the orang-utan but they need to pay about $10 per month or $120 per year for an orang-utan. By choosing to become an adoptive parent, you will help to ensure that all the rescued orang-utans will be looked after by the Orangutan Outreach and other orang-utans centre as well.
                I’ve come to an end. Now, it is your time to decide whether you want to save the orang-utans or not. Even an effort is so precious for the orang-utans. Don’t you feel pity for them? They have no proper place to live, their parents were killed, they lost their family and they can hardly find food for themselves. They was like living on a tree trunk. It’s either it will still or fall. We as a human with humanity, we should feel sympathy and love other God’s creations not only human being. Orang-utan is just one of many endangered species but when it comes to just a step to extinct, we should gain more effort to save it for the next generation. Hence, let’s unite and save the orang-utan! Stop deforestation and start recycle all the papers. Don’t waste too much trees for a stock of papers that will become a rubbish one day. SAVE THE ORANG-UTANS! We love orang-utans more than paper, don’t we?



4 AWAM 2




DILAYAN bagai anak kecil, 
cukup masa disusui, 
makan minumnya juga bersukat.
Malah bertambah comel apabila dipakaikan lampin pakai buang.
Tidur pula di dalam bilik kecil lengkap dengan katil bayi umpama wad pediatrik di sebuah hospital.
Apatah lagi bila disediakan seorang penjaga, 
tentulah bertambah manja dan jinak layaknya.
Mampukah kita melihat keindahan ini pada masa hadapan ?
Keindahan yang dikurniakan Tuhan yang kian pupus.
Di mana nilai kasih dan sayang ?
Adakah kita akan hanya mampu melihat haiwan yang manja ini pupus kerana mengejar dunia moden ?
Sedarlah wahai manusia, 
peliharalah ia sebelum ia pupus .
Hulurkan bantuan agar haiwan ini terus benyawa tanpa ancaman .